“Svensson, Svensson” is a Swedish sitcom that has also been adapted into a feature film and a play. The show originally aired two seasons, each with 12 episodes, in the autumns of 1994 and 1996, and these episodes have been frequently rebroadcast. The series was brought back for a third season in 2007.
“Svensson, Svensson” is one of the most popular sitcoms in Swedish television history. During its second season, each episode attracted over 2.5 million viewers, in a country with a population of about 8.8 million at the time. The episode with the highest viewership aired on November 17, 1996, drawing in 3,395,000 viewers.
The show revolves around the Svensson family, who live in the Vivalla area of Örebro. The family includes the father Gustav, a mailman; the mother Lena, who works at a bank; their teenage daughter Lina; and their son Max.
In the revived series, Gustav has retired from his postal job, Lena is employed by the local government, Max works at the bank, and Lina is married to a conductor named John, who has a daughter named Greta.