“Dancing with the Stars” is an Australian reality show that has won a Logie Award. It airs on the Seven Network and is broadcast live from the HSV-7 studios in Melbourne. The show is adapted from the UK’s BBC Television series “Strictly Come Dancing” and is part of the global “Dancing with the Stars” franchise by BBC Worldwide.
The show first aired briefly from October to November 2004 and then resumed in February of the following year. Seven Network continued to renew the show, picking it up for a ninth season.
“Dancing with the Stars” has been a ratings hit, drawing an average of around 2 million viewers per week at its peak, making it the top-rated show of the day.
In the show, celebrities are paired with professional ballroom dancers and compete weekly in dance-offs to impress a panel of judges and the audience. Viewers vote via telephone and SMS to keep their favorite pairs in the competition. The judges’ scores are combined with viewer votes to decide which pair is eliminated each week.
Daniel MacPherson and Edwina Bartholomew hosted the thirteenth season in 2013.
The logo for the first seven seasons of “Dancing with the Stars” resembled the one used by “Strictly Come Dancing.” From the eighth season onwards, the logo was similar to that of the US version of “Dancing with the Stars.”