“Captain Planet and the Planeteers” is an American animated TV show focused on environmental themes, created by Ted Turner, Robert Larkin III, and Barbara Pyle. The show was produced by Pyle, Nicholas Boxer, Andy Heyward, and Robby London, and developed by Pyle, Boxer, Heyward, London, Thom Beers, Bob Forward, Phil Harnage, and Cassandra Schafhausen. It was produced by Turner Program Services and DIC Entertainment and aired on TBS from September 15, 1990, to December 5, 1992. A follow-up series, “The New Adventures of Captain Planet,” was produced by Hanna-Barbera and Turner Program Services and aired from September 11, 1993, to May 11, 1996. Both series are still available in syndication. The show combines education and entertainment to promote environmentalism.
In February 2009, the Mother Nature Network started streaming episodes and previously unreleased footage of “Captain Planet and the Planeteers” on its website. In September 2010, the Planeteer Movement was initiated with Pyle’s help, allowing fans to connect and apply the show’s environmental messages in their lives as real-life Planeteers.